Network celebrates a year of climate action
WLCAN’s members gathered to look back at the Hub’s first year and plan where we’re going next. The Annual Network Gathering took place on Friday 21 February at Howden Park Centre, Livingston. In total 26 organisations were represented, along with individuals involved in community gardens and environmental work. Social enterprises who champion sustainable practice also attended along with West Lothian’s further education, local authority waste education team, and advisers for business and the environment.
WLCAN’s chairperson Ruth Plevin introduced the event. The programme included a promotional video commissioned to tell the story of WLCAN’s first year. Development worker Jocelyn Lockhart presented a report of the Hub and Network’s progress and director Graham Clark announced the third Eco Development Fund Awards.
The audience participation app Slido was used to gather information on WLCAN’s performance and priorities. There was a ‘fishbowl discussion’ with participants given a chance to air their ideas to the room on how to make WLCAN a success. Guest speaker John Keogh from Livingston-based The Ootsider described how he set up a community interest company from scratch to manufacture clothing sustainably. Youth drama group Firefly Arts gave a short performance on the climate theme before the event was closed by WLCAN Treasurer Donald Stavert.
Around this programme, the 47 stallholders and delegates had the chance to network and share ideas for how to help each other, from offering digital expertise on social media to sharing physical resources.
The outcomes of the Gathering are being discussed and will be developed into firm plans. Early ideas include setting up a shared platform where members can connect directly with each other to ask for things to help their projects.